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Jose Flores



Jose Flores (1997) is a Head band director at Akins High School in Austin, TX. A native of San Antonio, he is a graduate of G.W Brackenridge High School where he performed with several community ensembles including the San Antonio Youth Wind Ensemble, Heart of Texas Concert Band, and the San Antonio Wind Symphony.

While studying Music Education at The University of Texas at Austin,
Flores studied composition with Dr. Bruce Pennycook. Flores has been commissioned by professionals from academic institutions such as St. Mary's University, California State Fullerton, Texas A&M Kingsvillle, University of North Georgia, Mary Hardin-Baylor, Temple College, Teupha Camp, and Akins Early College High School. ​
Flores's piece "Un Dia en la Vida" has been professional recorded by Dr. Chris Dickey from Washington State University for his CD entitled "Panorama" and Dr. Jesse Orth, whose CD entitled "Un Dia" was named Semi-Finalist for the American Prize in Instrumental Performance 2023.

Jose served as the President of the Alpha Iota Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at the University of Texas at Austin.

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