Solo Competition
The Austin Brass Collective will feature a solo competition for 6th-12th grade students. There is a $25 entry fee, and prizes will include cash as well as a high school grand prize winner will be featured during the May 19th Concert titled "Brass Hero" playing their solo with accompaniment from members of ABC! Please note that attendance is required for prize consideration as prizes will be awarded during the evening concert.​
Solo Prizes:
1st Place - $250
2nd Place - $150
3rd Place - $100
Chamber Grand Prize:
Chamber Competition
The Austin Brass Collective will feature a chamber competition for 6th-12th grade students. There is a $40 entry fee (per group), and prizes will include cash as well as the winner will be featured during the May 19th Concert titled Brass Hero! Please note that attendance is required for prize consideration as prizes will be awarded during the evening concert.
Contest Eligibility
All Brass students in grades 6-12 may enter. Divisions will be split into grade level: Middle School (6th, 7th and 8th) and High School (9th through 12th).
All solos up to ten minutes in length will be accepted for the competition. High School solos MUST have an accompaniment in the high school division. Finalists will have to submit a PDF of their solo and accompaniment
Winners will be announced by April 14th. The Grand Prize winner of the High School Division will be required to attend rehearsals on the evenings of May 17th and 18th in preparation for a performance on May 19th with the ABC.
All winners must be in attendance at the May 19th Concert to receive prizes
General Rules
General Rules Applications and recordings must be received by 11:59pm Central Time on Monday, April 8th.
Recordings should be one audio file, video recordings will not be accepted. The file name should be “composer-title name” (i.e. Mozart-Concerto for Accordion). Submissions will be viewed anonymously, so please avoid placing your name on the file name or within the recording. Please do not speak during your recording.
Submissions may be played with or without piano accompaniment without bias from the judges.
If recording without an accompanist, please observe rests up to four measures (or 10 seconds) in length. Rests longer than four measures (or 10 seconds) should not be observed.
Submissions must be unedited performances; edited recordings will not be considered.​